Hazel Grove Elementary School has approximately 500 students and is in an urban and a low socioeconomic setting. They attended a PE4life Introductory Workshop in the Spring of 2010 and are doing some pretty great things. Here Diana talks about the "walking club" she recently started:
"We started the walking club after the initial PE4life training. We wanted to jump start the kids' mornings by getting in a little exercise before they head to their classroom. Our PTA jumped on board and purchased bracelets for all the students who join the club. It is open for all the students and we walk every morning, outside weather permitting, or in the gym. We occasionally have parents and other teachers walking with us! One of the neat things is when parents tell me that their kids' behavior is better than before we had the walking club before school."
Do you have a walking club?
Do you work closely with your PTA?
We love to heart stories of your successes (and challenges). Let us know what's going on in your school and maybe we'll put you on our blog!
If you're in the KC area and want KC Wolf to make an appearance at your school check him out here.
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