Health bug bites PE4life team!
It seems inevitable that after awhile of working at PE4life and making it your mission to improve the health and wellbeing of others, it’s only a matter of time before the health bug bites you. And that’s exactly what’s happened around here. Maybe it’s the New Year - new resolutions concept or maybe we’ve all gotten to a point where we’ve allowed ourselves to step back and re-evaluate our priorities. Either way, a health and wellness epidemic has hit the office and it doesn’t look like it’s leaving anytime soon. The majority of our team has taken up a daily fitness routine and although we’re still sneaking the occasional cookie cake (hey, it was Carrie’s birthday!), several staff members, including myself, are re-evaluating what they eat. One team member has even gone vegan!
On any given day at the PE4life office, you’ll find various members of the team bouncing on stability balls at their desks, taking their reading materials to the treadmill, even blistering the freezing cold Missouri air for a quick walk around the block. Yes, we’re practicing what we preach and getting fit! And although I can’t speak for the rest of the team, I can say that it’s positively affecting my life – I have better focus, I’m more confident, and I just FEEL better.
Carrie Gibson, PE4life Event Manager, swaps out her comfy office chair for a bounce on the stability ball. (Note, this isn’t staged at all... she just happened to be visiting the new PE4life website. Really. )
Melanie Sheppard, Marketing Assistant
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