PE4life Academy Director, Tim McCord, recently wrote a powerful statement on a previous blog posting - "There is no better time than the present to be a physical a educator. The spotlight is shining upon us."
We think Tim is right. With all the anti-obesity efforts recently initiated, including the First Lady’s admirable Let’s Move campaign, there has never been a better time for us to stand up and declare the importance of physical education in the fight against childhood obesity. After all, it’s the physical educators who are in the trenches, executing PE4life’s Core Principles and witnessing the affect they are having on students and communities. So, while we are well aware of the positive impact physical education has on our youth, it’s the perfect time to share our successes with the rest of the world!
Make your stories heard – stories of academic achievement, improved fitness scores, community involvement, decreased disciplinary incidents – any and all testimonials that demonstrate quality physical education is having positive impact on the lives in your school and community.
Send your stories to by May 1st and we’ll compile all the testimonials into a downloadable booklet available on our website, which we encourage you to use as a resource to garner additional support for your program. You'll also be entered to win free registration to our upcoming Resource Conference, plus other cool prizes. Remember to include your name and school district to get the credit you deserve!
Want to share your story in photos? Just be sure to have your student’s legal guardian fill out a photo release form, giving us permission to use the photo.
PE4life’s Core Principles
We believe PE should:
• Be directed to all students, not just the athletically inclined
• Offer a variety of fitness, sport, leisure and adventure activities
• Provide a safe and encouraging learning environment
• Utilize individual assessments
• Incorporate current technology
• Extend beyond the walls of the gymnasium
• Ideally, be offered to every child every day
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